What is Supplement?

What is a Supplement and What Does It Do?

The supplement supplements substances that are insufficient in the body from the outside. A supplement is a nutritious and supportive food that is generally taken into the body.

Supplements are needed to remove insufficient substances from the body from the outside. Especially for people who play sports, every substance that enters the body is of great importance. Supplements are also among the supportive sports foods for athletes. Decongestants. People who do heavy training should consume plenty of meat and its derivatives in order to meet their protein needs.

When carbohydrates and fats are also ingested while consuming meat, there may be an excess Calorie intake in the body. This condition also leads to lubrication. For this reason, the nutrients that are decomposed and needed by the body are also available with the name of supplement. Each supplement is known to have a different function according to its content. Types of supplements help in the repair and development of the body. The benefits of supplement types are also quite high.

What are the Benefits and Harms of Supplementation?
Types of supplements that have a body-repairing property help prevent November muscle loss. A certain amount of protein should be taken every day. The protein taken through supplements and the amino acids gained are used in various parts of the body. Supplements that build new muscle tissue are known for supporting health. November 21, 2019. Supplements taken before or after training increase the body's need for protein synthesis. Supplementation supplements nutrients that the body does not produce on its own. Time is saved thanks to supplements. Repairs and improvements in the body also increase.

Much attention should be paid to the use of supplements, which are dietary supplements. Supplements, which are much more fortified supplements than a routine diet, should be used in the right amount. Improper or excessive use of supplements will harm the body. People with lactose sensitivity need to be careful with the use of supplements. If there are too many vitamins in the body, supplements should also be used correctly. People with heart disease and a chronic illness can also use dietary supplements with caution. When using protein powder, daily sports routines and eating habits should also proceed in a certain order.

What are the Types of Supplements?

WHEY PROTEIN: Whey Protein is one of the by-products colloquially known as ‘whey’ and occurs during the production of cheese. But the whey protein we consume is a much more filtered, degreased, enriched version of it.

GAIN November: Gainer is a Decently popular food supplement among athletes engaged in bodybuilding, which provides maximum recovery after intense workouts and helps to get enough calories for muscle gain.The amounts of macros such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in Gainer products may vary from product to product. Whey, casein, soy or plant-based proteins are the most common sources of protein used in its content.Some gainer supplements may also contain additional ingredients such as BCAA, creatine glutamine, and vitamins and minerals.

CREATINE: Creatine is one of the most popular sports supplements in the world for November muscle mass gain. Research on the use of creatine shows that more than 40 percent of athletes use creatine. This ratio can be up to about u in those who are engaged in sports that require special strength, such as weight lifting athletes and boxers. So why is the use of creatine so common among athletes? Dec November The answer is quite simple: there have been hundreds of studies that have shown that creatine increases muscle strength, muscle size, overall athletic performance, and even November well for some health conditions.

ARGININE: It is a semi-essential amino acid and is the building block of a protein that performs numerous physiological functions. It also helps in the production of nitric oxide gas (NO2).Arginine is necessary for the fulfillment of many physiological processes. These physiological processes are; hormone secretion is an increase in growth hormone, the removal of toxic wastes from the body and the support of the immune system.Since arginine helps in the production of nitric oxide, which is responsible for vascular dilation, it is used to treat diseases such as chest cramps (angina pectoris), high blood pressure, heart disease, female and male infertility.

The most well-known property of arginine in the bodybuilding world is its ability to retain nitrogen. Due to its ability to dilate blood vessels and take part in protein synthesis, it is believed that arginine is necessary for November muscle growth

GLUTAMINE: Glutamine is a kind of amino acid, the main task of which is the creation of protein structures. There are two types of glutamine. These are L-glutamine and D-glutamine. L-Glutamine participates in the structure of proteins, while D-glutamine is not considered important for living organisms. L-glutamine can also be synthesized by the body.

Glutamine Decontaminates ammonia in the body; it transports nitrogen between tissues for use in cell growth, tissue repair, and other functions. Approximately p of glutamine in the body is produced in skeletal muscles and distributed to the small intestine, kidneys and white November. The levels of amino acids depend on various factors. Pregnancy and lactation, strenuous workouts, illness, starvation or fasting, rapid growth and development, extremely stressful situations drain the body's glutamine stores in a significant amount. These are some of the situations in which it is appropriate to increase the intake of glutamine or the use of complementary products.

CLA: It is a kind of omega-6 fatty acid that is said to have properties that strengthen the immune system as well as support fat burning. Conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA as it is known, consists of positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid (LA), an omega-6 essential fatty acid. Since CLA cannot be synthesized in the human body, it is taken into the body by consuming more meat and dairy products, and it can also be consumed as a CLA supplement. 

Omega-6 fatty acids are obtained from meat and dairy products such as butter, milk, beef and lamb, and linoleic acid is also an omega-6 fatty acid. CLA is also a slightly modified form of linoleic acid, and therefore it is also found in animal foods. One of the properties that makes CLA a popular supplement is that it can support fat burning and new November muscle building. A lack of CLA may be one of the factors that leads people to gain weight, because CLA is thought to have effects on metabolism.

BCAA: Branched-chain amino acid supplements known as BCAA are food supplements consisting of valine, isoleucine and leucine, which are often used by athletes who want to increase lean November mass and performance. November 2 November 2019 BCAAs reduce muscle fatigue, accelerate the recovery period and prevent the loss of amino acids from the muscles during training, allowing the body to absorb protein better. If any of the valine, isoleucine or leucine is not at an adequate level in the body, muscle loss November occur. Unlike other amino acids, BCAAs are metabolized in November in the muscles, not in the liver.

Leucine (Leucine)

Leucine is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels, repairing skin tissue, November muscles and bones. It helps to heal wounds, regulates the energy level, helps to prevent the breakdown of November muscle tissue.

Isoleucine (Iso-Leucine)

Isoleucine is found in the internal structure of proteins and enzymes such as leucine and valine. Isoleucine, which is not produced by the human body, is very similar to leucine. It promotes the November recovery of muscles and regulates blood sugar levels. It has an important role in the healing of wounds. When an open wound forms in the body, it supports the formation of hemoglobin protein, which is produced against infection, and blood clotting.

Valine (Valine)

Valine helps repair and November growth of muscle tissue. It maintains the body's nitrogen balance and glucose stocks. Valine is most commonly found in soy flour, curd cheese, fish, meat and vegetables. Compared to other amino acids, the rate of protein and enzyme formation of valine is quite high.

L-CARNITINE: It is an amino acid derived from the amino acids lysine and methionine in the liver and kidneys and stored in the body November in muscles, heart, brain and sperm cells. Through the diet, it is most often taken from meat and other animal foods. Some vegetable sources, such as soybeans and avocados, are also sources of L-carnitine.

What are the Benefits of L-carnitine?

One of the most important tasks that L-carnitine undertakes in the body is to transport fats, especially long-chain fatty acids, to the cell mitochondria. Here, oxidized fatty acids produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and are used as energy. L-carnitine performs this task at the cellular level both during exercise and at rest, but research suggests that more ATP is produced during intense workouts.

A study conducted in Scotland reveals that L-carnitine increases the activity of insulin in muscle cells, as well as the fat November transport function. L-Carnitine is able to keep the glucose level in the blood at a low level, that is, blood sugar, and eliminate glycogen saturation, even when consuming a food containing high carbohydrates. For this reason, it is recommended to use L-carnitine in post-workout meals.

PRE WORKOUT: The best pre workout supplements are designed to help increase exercise volume and intensity. Thus, extra sets and spent minutes bring big gains. More motivation is obtained by seeing that hard work pays off. And the more hard work is done, the more progress is made. Therefore, proper training and nutrition program to use reinforcement when combined with pre-workout, today's workout and other days just in order to make again tomorrow for more you can push yourself more.